Why Your Luggage Scale May Not Always Match Your Airline’s Baggage Scale?

One of the main reasons for such an issue is that most of weigh our luggage on a weighing machine at our home or someplace else. These weighing scales are least used and have the least zero error, on the other hand, airport weighing scales are used frequently and probably used more than a dozen times a day. Therefore, most of the weighing scales at airports have maximum zero error and it is calibrated only once a year.

Here is Why Your Luggage Scale May Not Always Match Your Airline’s Baggage Scale?

Now, at times, there are some certain cases that reported that the airport weighing machine displayed lower luggage weight than the actual weight, one of the main reasons for such difference is because your device might have a big zero error, or you might be using an analogue weighing machine and you read the readings wrong.

What To Do In Such a Situation at the Airport

You can request the staff to check the weight on another weighing machine. Always check the luggage weight allowed on the airline you are travelling and check the weight on a digital luggage scale. While packing always remember that some issues might arise and so do not try packing your luggage to acquire the exact maximum limit.

Carry a foldable bag into which you can throw the extra items to adjust the luggage weight. An airline weighing machine and personal luggage weighing machine displaying two different readings for the same luggage is a common thing that happens; this can be due to any of the reasons mentioned above.